Loyalty Points usually have expiration dates, more visibility on posted expiration dates -
Important features to add:
- Loyalty Points usually have expiration dates, would like to see more visibility on posted expiration tdates
-Point system is currently not part of the emails to customer or communication -this is important. To be able to pull data into marketing campaigns be able to embed a code or link so they can hover/click to see their current LP status
- Need prominent call to action - communications to clients to improve and get attention on the LP program
-Would like Appointment reminders to show- a notification in the email. It would like nice to see the LP point reminder status
- Add custom formula to sync available LP- in the Receipt Notes section of the MANAGE location > DETAILS > section
Beret Loncar commented
As a new company this does not seem like a big deal, but you need to add terms to that program. Eventually those points need to expire at some time. From a marketing perspective it gets people in before they expire. -- but then you need to have a record of the expiration as well and send out reminder emails about using them.