Ability to Add notes but not be able to delete them
Currently the note settings is over all. If a note can be added by the user, they can also edit and delete. The business wants the user to be able to add notes but not have permissions to delete or edit.
Jeremy Shieh commented
Agreed, but I also think even deleted notes should show as archived notes and only some can see it.
At the moment I feel the notes area (and scheduling alerts) are being used as post its with no protection from being altered or deleted which managers and above should be able to see.
Example: Client has Scheduling alert "owner says this person can be late, valid reason in notes" Notes state, "client is handicapped and depending on parking may take a couple more minutes if all handicap spaces at our center are used. Then staff gets mad at client being late and deletes it and then future staff don't give the client special care. Then issues arise and salon loses client due to an understanding and it being lost in deletable notes, also no audit to determine who did it.
Mariah Breaux commented
I'd like for all notes not to be able to be deleted by other staff. Just the person who leaves the note should be able to delete it.