Late cancel/no show email
When a client is marked as late cancel or no show (specifically no show) the email they receive should read something along the lines of “we missed you today!” Etc versus the standard “your appointment has been cancelled.” The email should also include something about “fees will apply due to the last minute cancel/no show… see cancellation policy here” etc

Emily Sauls commented
Deana Hermey commented
We have a standard text we send - this can help for now... feel free to copy or use this..
(we edit for no-show or other things)Hello. Since you had a late cancellation for your last appointment, we wanted to remind you about our 48 hour cancellation policy. You can review the policy online at:
If you wish to re-book your appointment, we do require a deposit that will go towards your service. Please call us at 407-374-3333 to reschedule. Thanks in advance 😊 -
Alia Geffrard commented
Agreed! I just posted about this same idea but adding on the "fees will apply..." is also important. Thank you!
Bryan Bernstein commented
This would be phenomenal!!!