Tiered cancellation policy and custom cancellation amounts
The ability to charge different rates based on how late the cancellation happened, or to differentiate between a late cancellation and a no-show.

Weston White commented
I agree, this should be handled much different - especially when the auto generated texts that include the amount of the cancellation fee don't accurately reflect the fees that may be charged for a no-show of the appointment.
This should be customizable for clear communication with clients.
Brianna Muniz commented
Differentiate a cancellation fee and no show fee.
Kristy DeBruhl commented
No Shows and late cancellations should be handled in a completely separate way. We charge a different amount for a no show vs a late cancellation. Additionally, the email the client receives for a no show shouldn't say that their appointment is cancellated. It needs to flat out say "You no-showed" with the consequences and/or fees charged.
Kristy DeBruhl commented
our company charges a different fee for No Shows vs Late Cancellations. We need to be able to pre-set those fees
Hailey Backus commented
Holly Sharpe commented
Yes!! We need this too. Our last system had this option and we used it all of the time.
AdminFlavia Leon (Admin, Boulevard) commented
It would be great to be able to charge clients a higher fee for no-shows than cancellations