Multiple Products Per Service for Usage-Based Pricing
Hani Mudawar commented
As a med spa, we have multiple products for the same service. Example Botox, Dysport or Juvederm Volluma, Restyln Kiss.
Without the ability to have more than one product creates problems in our ability to track inventory efficiently and a lot more work in the backend.
Tiffany Lattimore, PA-C commented
This is very much needed :).
Lauren Hecht commented
Being able to add more than 1 product to a service
S. Husky Hoskulds commented
Adding more than ONE product to go with each Service would be KEY for us at the Medi Spas = for tracking inventory. Adding Syringes / Gloves / IV Kits in addition to Botox UNITS is KEY for tracking inventory. Right now there is no way to track inventory beyond what is SOLD. In Med Spa world that is a TINY part of daily expenses and inventory
Tori DiMichele commented
Right now you can only link one product to a service but some services require multiple products.
It would also be nice to choose which product was used.
Example: Service of "Neuromodulator". There are several options of neuromodulators to choose from, so at checkout you choose which one was used. Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, etc.
Brenna Smith commented
Attach more than one product to a service for product usage.
Randi Coray commented
i offer services like microneedling with PRP. Both are individual consumable products that are tracked for inventory. Would be nice to have more than one product tied to a service at checkout for inventory record keeping. Currently i only can have one and makes it difficult to see if consumables are being stolen and used without a checkout ticket.
Allegra Kovaleski commented
the ability to add more than one product to a service
Zanbria Asante commented
For companies that use more than 1 product to complete a service (a majority of us, salons, spas, etc.). It's imperative for us to track inventory on all those products and have that automated. Please consider allowing more than 1 product to be attached to a service.
Brenna Smith commented
Ability to attach multiple products to one service and choose between the different options at checkout.
Regina Esarco commented
Have the opportunity to track more than one product that is used within a service.
When someone is getting a service and the provider uses 7 products, the ability to track those products through inventory (without adding each additional product to the checkout - that takes too long) would be more realistic for businesses -
Rick Vencill commented
This really seems like a no brainer. I would love to be able to attached multiple products to services.
Jacob Dudek-Warren commented
Having the ability to add multiple colors/products when tracking inventory usage during a client appointment. Having the ability to add multiple colors as necessary or multiple products that are being used within the salon for the clients appointment.