Botox and injectable lot number tracking

Jaimon Stucki commented
Seriously IT team. This is such a critical aspect for any medical spa. This shouldn't be that hard to add. Get this added ASAP. I seriously almost canceled by signing on when I found out you don't have this capability.
Nicole Borges commented
Lot number and expiration dates on products for inventory tracking. Also being able to link the units/cc's used during charting
Jadelyn Alvarez commented
Yes!! Lot numbers are CRUCIAL for aesthetic treatments. We need to be able to back track in case a lot number is recalled. Please please please add this feature!
Madeline Owens commented
Yes! It would be amazing to include lot numbers and expirations dates in our charts/mark ups and POs too.
Emily Sauls commented
YES - It would also be nice if traceability was linked when you're doing MARK UP to the photo, or at least at check out with lot number and expiration for items such as filler etc... we have to go and MANUALLY type in how many units we use each time as well as the lot and expiration date and it is really time consuming!
I hated AR but this was the best feature - you would just mark how many units on the face, itd be added at the check out and you could easily put in traceability... seems like an easy fix. if AR who SUCKS can do it (lol) im sure ya'll can!
Lacey Jones commented
Definitely need this for inventory and patient safety tracking
Nicole Borges commented
Inventory for med spa with the ability for LOT numbers and Expiration dates with the ability to track which has been used