Configurable Email Blast Send Time
Allow users to customize the time of day when scheduled email blasts are sent, rather than being fixed at 9 AM UTC. This enhancement would provide greater flexibility for businesses operating across different time zones and help optimize email campaign performance based on their target audience's peak engagement times.
Current limitation: Email blasts can only be sent at 9 AM UTC, with no option to modify the send time. This restricts businesses from scheduling emails at optimal times for their specific market and audience.
Proposed solution: Add a time selector alongside the existing date picker, allowing users to specify both the date and time for email blast delivery. This would give businesses more control over their email marketing strategy and potentially improve engagement rates.

Gina Nastasee commented
Yes! Our emails say scheduled for 9am but then were sent at 4am. Yet the stats still claim they were sent at 9am.
Amber commented
Just came to suggest this! Our emails are getting sent at midnight! I don’t see how setting the time zone to UTC makes any sense for most of the US. According to the AI 9 am was chosen because it’s the optimal time for emails to be sent yet under the UTC time zone no one in the US is having their emails sent at the optimal time.
Katie Turnbull commented
Can you change the marketing emails to specify the time it send vs just the day? The UTC time for me sends at 2am, which is not ideal because those emails get lost in all the other emails they get overnight.
Ashley Baker commented
Allow for one-time email blasts to be sent in the correct time zone as this will help with the click results. My clients do not want their phones notifying them at 5:00am of my email coming through. This will increase the likelihood of unsubscribers.
Griffin Sutton commented
The ability to send out emails to clients scheduled on a specific date or date range would be helpful... For instance, our meter in parking garage is broken and we've had almost every client call with concerns. This could've been alleviated had we been able to send out a blast email to all clients scheduled that day to say the meter was down.
James Bohan-Pitt commented
All email marketing tools allow you to control exactly when emails are released. This allows for experimentation and to control the deluge customers can get. I am quite surprised it has been fixed at 9am UTC (4am CENTRAL time honestly.
Erin Bruce commented
For multiple location salons, the marketing tab should allow one time email blasts to be send to location specific clients, not all clients between all locations.