Check-in and Check-out alerts
It would be helpful to have check-in and check-out alerts, similar to the booking alerts. These are very helpful to assist us if the Client wants the following: Warmer Pod, Music Throughout, Music at the End Only, Their own Music, etc...
Bethany Bush commented
When someone uses the self check-in feature the system currently just moves them over to arrived without alerting staff who checked in. Create a feature that their name is highlighted or there is some alert to say "John Doe checked in" so staff knows who used self check-in for busier practices
Giselle Fesalvo commented
Similar to the check out message to client, a place where employees can put a quick, short note about the check out for the individual client that can populate to a report for management. Reason being, I am hoping for a convenient way to organize data about membership rejections per employee for reach client (ie. financial, distance, commitment).
Shelby Kutsch commented
Can we add check-in, check-out, and booking alerts. At the moment I have to leave very long alerts that can be confusing to read or I have to leave a note in the client profile or appt card which can be easily over looked.
Raquel Medina-Cleghorn commented
Need to add pop ups for check in, check out, booking etc to remind staff of client preferences, pricing/discounts or special notes.