Add Accommodations without appointment
We should be able to add accommodations without needing an appointment to edit. If a stylist wants to add extra time to clients appointments, they don't always remember before the ticket is closed. If the client doesn't pre book, they have to keep an eye on their books to see when/if that client books again to add the accommodation.

Brenna Smith commented
Ability to set client accommodations without an appointment
Jessica Cordero commented
Be able to edit a clients accommodation from their profile at anytime without an appointment. A provider is having a 2023 price increase and while clients custom timing isn't changing their pricing is. It is important to have a client schedule for the right amount of time but now their price is incorrect in their confirmations. Potentially causing a client challenge where we will have to discount the service the day of to honor the communicated price because we are unable to edit the accommodation without an appointment.
Montana Powell-Driscoll commented
Currently, the only way you can change an appointment to be longer when booked is if an appointment is active. This means, if a stylist tells you after checking out that they'd like to change someone's time permanently, you have to book another appointment, change the time, and then delete it. You can delete accommodations from the tab on the profile without having an active appointment, it would be helpful to be able to edit / add them as well.
Mariana Forte commented
It would be awesome if we would be able to add accommodations to clients without them having to be in for an appointment or at checkout. If we could open their client card and add accommodations to them as easily as we could remove them that would be extremely helpful.
Jamie Kim commented
Currently, client accommodations can only be added through editing appointments, but this can only be done prior to checking a client out.
We need to be able to update client accommodations from the client profile and also be able to update these from the staff app.