Add-ons that require a resource need to be linked to resources
We have LED as an add-on to our facial services and it would be very beneficial to have that linked to where it blocks the resource column so that we do not overbook that resource.
Stephanie Inglehart commented
It would be helpful to add resources to the add ons as these sometimes require resources, for example LED add on requires an LED device. The same goes for Gua Sha- it requires a gua sha tool. We have multiple add ons that require tools.
Stephanie Inglehart commented
When a client chooses to "add on" such as LED we need this to show up in resources as being used so that we make sure not to overbook that resource.
Laura Locricchio commented
Example If a client books a facial and wants to add on LED Light Therapy and it is not tied to a resource we will find ourselves overbooked.