Only allow clock-ins during certain hours.
We are finding some employees accidentally clock in from home or clock in 40 minutes before their shift and if we could set a limit that would be ideal.
Chloé Liautaud commented
blvd, PLEASE add a setting to block employees from clocking in early! it's way too easy to game the system the way the timecard system is set up. some support staff members clock in early and stay late to take advantage and milk their hours.
James Bohan-Pitt commented
Certain support staff come in BEFORE the start of the working day. However, we need the ability to ensure that clock in CANNOT happen until a set time set by management. On the converse, there needs to be a clock out to that stops people logging unnecessary late hours. The working hours are tied to payroll and it's essential that staff on not able to clock out late or in early to expand their wage.