Changing the staff scheduling function
In the staff scheduling function, If you change someone's shift to "unavailable" (they have requested time off down the road, they need the day off for whatever reason) If their travel plans change or the day off in no longer needed and they are available again... When you put their schedule back in, it deletes ALL future shifts for that day of the week, and you have to then go back in to add those shifts back in, but also have to now check the calendar view to see if there was potentially and other days that were requested off or maybe different hours than their typical shift. I'm not sure if I'm alone in this thought process but that seems wildly inconvenient. If I can make ONE singular shift "unavailable" I should be able to toggle that ONE individual shift without it deleting all future shifts on that day

Ben Stevens commented
I just ran into this for the first time the other day and assumed that I had done something wrong! Apparently it is a bug in the software!
Please fix it! The unavailable option should only impact the one day either to apply or remove!