Ability to track product usage through Photo Markup's/ Forms
The business would like the ability to track products when utilizing the forms/ photo markup
Jubilee Chiang commented
Please have a way of counting number of botox units as they're charted while marking up a photo (similar to how AR shows how many are used upon checkout). We have to manually calculate and enter how many units to charge for, and we need a better way to trace.
Lou Clark commented
I want the feature that shows how many injection site and total number or even a calculator at bottom. It would make it a more seamless process for the whole appointment and needed for any aesthetic emr system which that is what we were under the impression when we moved over systems
Rachel Silbereis commented
Have the system auto tally Botox units from the mark up if the pin is selected
Tiffany Lattimore, PA-C commented
If we had this ability, I would cancel my 3rd party EMR system immediately.