Assign Resources to Staff
The business would like to be able to have a resource assignable to a staff member rather then a service.

Jill Greve commented
This is absolutely critical in our operations. We have 4 PEMF machines - 3 beds, 1 chair. One of the beds is in a private room. We have set it up so each one is a practitioner in the schedule. Many clients have room preferences and we do first time appts always in the private room. The resources and the practitioners (rooms) are not attached so it can book anyone in any ""available" resource and when clients book online to request the private room, it may assign them a different room with the private room practitioner. This is a disaster. We are trying so many different work arounds, such as adding one service per bed, not assigning a specialist to their first time appt, etc, and each one comes with its own unacceptable drawbacks. We absolutely need this setting, or some other ability to make this happen.