Enhanced text wrapping on name/service truncation for appts <30min so that most of the pertinent information still shows at calendar glance
At current, if there are long names or long service names for services below 30 min duration there is complete cut off or bleeding of text beyond appt tile.
Ideas include:
First name, last name reduced to initial, service name truncation (perhaps removal of vowels?)
CSS to make those appts with too much text be animation where the entirety of the names and service name scroll left to right so that all text is shown every 10 seconds or so (or some time equation directly proportional to number of characters).
Create so that appt tiles are only representative of their scheduled duration on one side, the other side be larger to encompass wrapped text containing all the normal information. (think like a chromosome depiction, but then the expanded regions next to the chromosome showing the actual components in decompressed form from biology textbook diagrams)
This is REALLY needed for appts that are off cycle from normal. For instance, create a 5 min or a 25 min appt within a 15min scheduling interval Blvd ecosystem.