Don't show service providers in online booking if they are not scheduled and don't have open books
We have multiple locations and sometimes providers will travel between shops. There needs to be a better way to disable them from showing up on online booking OTHER THAN entirely removing the second location from their account profile. This makes us have to re-set up all their services and payment settings if we do it this way, which is very inconvenient. It would be AMAZING if, when going online to book, clients did NOT see any service providers under our location if their books aren't open. This gives the client a false sense of hope, and they will add themselves to our waitlist for someone who is only here once or twice in a year. It is also super frustrating for clients to select a provider, then be told, "there is no time available" for that person - when it could easily be avoided by removing them from the online booking widget if there is no current schedule for that provider.