Improved mobile app capabilities
I would love to see more features on the app to make it eaiser for employees to manage out of the salon/spa.
features such as the messaging capabilities
seeing the product list so they can sell/ answer question out of work
allow you to schedule add ons in the app
view the waitlist in the app
m any stylist/ therapist/ technicians deal with client schedules outside of business hours so I would love for them to have the ability to use the app for these features
Mike McAuley commented
I am not sure how to say this, but please add more to the app. It is heavily lacking features that should easily be included. Reporting would be nice to look at in there since there is no way to automate the report sending. The other big items is having the messaging capabilities in there. We use the messaging a lot to communicate with clients and we are not always in front of a computer.
Kristy DeBruhl commented
The entire Mobile App needs a huge upgrade. It is highly UNDERdeveloped. We need to be able to see reports, message clients, see notifications. Basically, we should be able to do all the things on mobile that you can on the desk top version.
Michelle Bornhoft commented
Salon owner should be able to view the salon numbers from the app especially when they are not in the salon all the time - not always able to login on a laptop or desktop
Dina Richie commented
the app is too limited! it is confusing and not user friendly, especially as a business owner I would love to be able to have more options for me available on the app.
Shannon and Kelsey Xx commented
It’d be great to have a month view option instead of keep swiping to get to the date needed.
Also would love to have an “admin view” on the app to pull reports on ALL staff as well as transactions. This is crucial for on the go owners or managers and not by a computer. -
Jordan Cena commented
The app needs to be more user-friendly for rental stylist, boulevard is running for commission based salons, where everything can be done on a desk top but everyone now a days uses their phone. we need to be able to see a whole week view, a full one day view from start to finish, be able to drag and drop all apointments. be able to edit working hours daily. This is all very important.