In reports, I feel Hours Booked for utilization purposes should be the cummulative hours booked and exclude blocks.
Blocks are a majority of time used to denote lunches, breaks, personal time and tasks. It is rare that blocks are used for productive purposes for a business. Most productive uses would likely fall under a service appointment instead. It would be beneficial if the utilization percent used this as then it would reflect hours making money per hours scheduled rather than hours there are anything on the schedule per hours scheduled.

Ben Stevens commented
If a block is listed as "personal" it counts as available for productivity reports. If it is marked as "business" it does not. Unfortunately, the default is personal, so you have to change it every time you put a block in if you don't want them to count.
Shawn Vogt commented
We are new to Boulevard and haven't yet dug into some reports. It would be very disappointing if, in fact, blocks were included in this report.