Printer Settings
We feel it is very important that Boulevard gives us the option to print receipts that the Merchant and Customer copies are seperated automatically by the receipt printer. We are using the exact recommended Hardware. Our old booking program, their technical support team knew the exact settings for the recommended printer for the recommended browser to use on the desktop (Chrome). They knew every code for the settings to make every part of the program user-friendly in all aspects, including printer settings. I did reach out to the hardware company - Star Micronics, but I have a feeling this is a task Boulevard needs to complete for their clients using the program.
So we recommend there be a guide for the recommended printer on the recommended browser. We are currently cutting the receipts (Merchant v Customer) with a scissors - We feel this is very tacky to our customers. We want to make sure that we are able to find a way to either get rid of designated receipts so that only one copy is printed at a time, or that the Merchant and Customer receipts are "different pages", or Boulevard should figure out how to set Chrome's printer settings for the receipt paper.
Ben Stevens commented
The "report" window that comes up for receipts has two pages to the receipt (merchant and Customer on separate pages) for me. My receipt printer automatically cuts between pages, so it will print two separate receipts. I usually just tell it to print the even pages as I have no use for the merchant copy. I am just using a cheap knock off brand thermal printer from Amazon.
I would, however, LOVE the option to only print the customer copy so I can stop choosing which pages to print!