Requesting that the emailed receipt the client receives is in the same format as the reception view.
Could email receipts be sent in the same format as how it viewed in the reception app please?
This layout which the client receives starts with the price after it's been discounted, then the original price, followed by the amount discounted from original price. Would you consider eliminating the original cost, and only highlight what is actually being paid and the discount? It just looks a ittle backward. Thank you!
| Emma Sandler |
| Date: | 2022/08/30 |
| Order ID: | 5791 |
| Keratin smoothing treatment 100% formaldehyde-free with Aaron Bradford | $385.00 |
| Covid recovery fee | $5.00 |
| Subtotal: | $555.00 |
| Discount: | -$165.00 |
| Tax: | $17.33 |
| Gratuity: | $230.00 |
| Total: | $637.33 |
| Visa x4060 | $637.33 |