Ability to import custom email templates into the marketing suite
I would love to see an update to the marketing suite that would allow us to import custom email templates. The marketing suite templates don't offer the level of customization that I'd like to see in our marketing emails.

Chris Audette commented
The ability to use our own templates instead of using blvd templates. The purose of this is so we don't have recreate the wheel everymonth. We can post our specials that have already been created for social media that use our practices branding.
Judy Olsen commented
The templates are so bare bones and not exciting or easily customized. It would be great if we could create a newsletter in Canva using one of their templates and somehow bring it into Bouldevard.
Nicki Maron commented
we want to be able to use email creative that is complete and be able to upload that creative to BLVD's email marketing platform. We don't want to have to recreate a brand new email. Especially with future locations, we are looking for consistency and an ease for future owners.