Client Profile/Appointment + Treatment Plan Section
It would be super helpful to have a section besides the notes where the service provider can write out the treatment plan for the client for that visit. This way you can refer to it at any time in the future, the person checking out the client can easily see it and it can also be referred to if the client calls in and inquires about it.
Mark Magnuson commented
We are a Med Spa, and treating our client/patients requires capturing many per-client settings for equipment used, treatment strength, duration, machine settings, number in series, results, etc. Remembering all these data points to enter after the client has checked out and left is difficult. Med Spas and other medical offices need a way to capture treatment notes during the procedures.
Dana Veney commented
I agree. Treatment plans are imperative for Boulevard to truly be a medical professional software. There are many areas where Boulevard really shines, but there are also areas where I can see that the software was initially for salons and has crossed into medspa and wellness space later.