Report - Booking Traffic - Pick a date to see Created Appointments & Cancelled Appointments
Appointments appear based on the day they were booked, not the day of the appointment.
Report - Booking Traffic
- Pick a date to see Created Appointments & Cancelled Appointments.
- Appointments appear based on the day they were booked, not the day of the appointment.
Based on the date, see who created or cancelled an appointment with booking details such as the service, the stylist (with requested option), & appointment date.

Kimberly Blackmon commented
This should be top priority! Top 10 report. How can we track growth without basic reporting?
Ashley Conner commented
Need a metric to view the number of appointments that were booked in one day for future appointments from both online and in person.
Brenna Smith commented
Report that will show the number of bookings scheduled for the future
Alexa Erickson commented
The business would like the ability to report on how many appointments have been booked within a time period and it show the average bookings made in one day so they can track to see what the busiest days our in the salon.
Kelly Shine commented
a report detailing future appointments booked by service. We are running specials and would like to see how many are booked on the calendar