Alert for issues with forms
It would be helpful if we could "flag" an item in our Forms if someone has an issue, let's say on the waiver, and it will notify us we need to review

Jeremy Shieh commented
Notes, Medication, Allergies, Accommodations, ACCOUNT CREDIT, Expired Method of Payment, PREVIOUS NO SHOW, Commonly late, Booked online, Returning under a timeframe, Returning over a timeframe, Has potential duplicate account, Profile missing info, Has an unread message, Missing forms, Poor rating previously submitted, HAS FUTURE APPT, Has another service same day.
Much of the items are all easily discoverable upon inspection (some not and require some forensics), but I strongly feel for Boulevard clients to rise above competition, and each become stronger businesses, it would be prudent to provide this wealth of information that is available to us, but forced in the face of our receptionists and staff so that we are more likely to take these indicators into account. The plausibility that these additions would passively cause increased sales and customer satisfaction is likely. The arguments for debulkation of UI could be mitigated with careful design and focus to the importance of these unique elements. I know that as a power user of Boulevard that I wish I had these data points available to me upon glancing to not miss anything.