Front Desk Report - Detailed Time Log every step.
As we have Unconfirmed > Confirmed > Arrived > Completed in the Front Desk view.
It would be great to actually track exact time the client arrived. Was active and checked out with the exact time log. Boulevard already Logs this information, we just need a report of it.
Example client Anna had a 1pm appointment but came at 1:10pm
Stylist John took Anna at 1:15pm to his chair but spend 3.5 hours on her instead of the 3 hours allocated.
Anna Checked out at 3:45PM, instead of ~3pm.
As a business we want to know 2 things. If the Client Anna is late - always, occasional, once, never. And if stylist John takes more time than allocated 3 instead of 3.5 hours - always, occasional, once, never. This would give the salon manager better overview of the schedule and if certain services needs to be adjusted, not every stylist has the same speed of application.
Report Example:
Appointment Time|Actual Check In time|Active Appointment|Scheduled Checkout Time|Actual Checkout Time
If John is 45 min late for his next appointment then we have an issue.
Please feel free to add on to this. I think its a great way to be better at predicting the schedule and training our Front Desk.