Hours of availability vs. hours available for different services
We have 2 service providers who offer full-body waxing. One is an Esthetician who works from 9am-2pm. The other is a Cosmetologist who works 11am-8pm. During the times they work, they provide different services (the Esthetician offers facials and the Cosmetologist offers nail services). However, their mutual offering of body waxing overlaps. I would like to have the Esthetician available to be scheduled for body waxing before 2pm and the Cosmetologist available to be scheduled for body waxing after 2pm. Is this something we can do? There have now been 2 instances in which the Cosmetologist gets scheduled for a body wax appointment when the Esthetician is working which has caused some strife between the two. Please devise a way to limit services to certain days/times!