Show the Voucher Name in the checkout (Not the name of the service)
We desperately need the checkout with the vouchers to be more transparent. I know the checkout shows the source of the voucher at the bottom, but for some reason it is overlooked by our staff no matter how many times we remind them. It's awful. We have a slightly tricky membership setup from before we transferred to boulevard and don't want to make a massive change that would affect nearly 1/3 of our monthly revenue.
If the vouchers section on the left-hand side of checkout just showed ALL the vouchers on the client's account with the numbers of them, then staff could choose which one to apply and which ones were applicable, it would solve so many problems. As it is, I am constantly having to audit the accounts and it's a headache because I can't see which voucher was applied in the sale. I'm begging you to improve this so we don't have to have so many clicks to see this - it's very difficult to train our front desk staff for consistency.