Automation with regards to schedules. With the live data, boulevard could optimize schedules up or down based on performance.
I know there is probably a lot of technicalities to this, so perhaps this is a pipe dream.
Set up; target for what % utilization is acceptable, if less than a set %, reduce hours to a threshold, if more than a set %, increase hours to a threshold. Set minimum hours and maximum hours per day (business choice and also remind to comply with labor laws).
Also 24 hours notice prior, your shift on Friday is set to start at 10a instead of 9a due to no appointment scheduled by the deadline.
End of day automations; if no appointments for last slot, wait until 5 min into last slot and dismiss service provider. These last hour appointments cannot be fulfilled past a certain point and unless the service provider is dismissed, this is a huge payroll liability cumulatively.
Overall I feel that the system could monitor these things and issue commands based on a few variables. I imagine the notices could be sent through the professional app push notifications and also text message to staff.
In reality if a salon has 10 staff, 5 of which who are plateau, 2 of which growing, and 3 who are shrinking… that the the 5 plateauing could either get or lose an hour a day based on supply and demand, the 2 growing will be instructed to expand schedules to lead to more revenue, and the 3 shrinking will lose hours continuously until it is potentially decided they need some other managerial action. The potential revenue gain and billable hours conservation would most likely benefit any business provided that it can be calibrated cleverly and make sure it is black and white with what it is doing.
The primary hiccups I could think of is that for increasing hours it would have to be mutual consent. For minimization of hours it would have to comply with labor laws. And that there would likely have to be a simple user-agreement to explain these things to staff and management alike that obviously would also waiver boulevard being only the calculator but the administration of such falls under the liability of the business and its managers, etc.