Beta Reports insights. Need some more amazing beta reports so that businesses can continue improving ourselves for our staff
- Checkout Report
** A way of listing per period of time the operators and concrete data on:
*** Percent/amount of products sold (to promote higher selling staff)
*** Transaction fees accomplished under them (so businesses can understand which staff are using what methods of payment and punish or mitigate)
*** Booking of appointments close to checkout time (promote good behavior)
*** Adjustments made to appointments (amount to see who are being pushed around by staff or clients more than others empirically)
*** Adjustments made to prices as total difference or total difference percent (to determine who is making things up as they go along)
- Timeclock report
** Determine shifts that exceed set hour (some locales require a premium meal period or rest premium to apply if shifts worked are longer than some time)
** Overtime report that shows daily and weekly overtime for jurisdiction set by rules of business
** Shifts by length comparison of all staff to see whom has the longest shifts (places to cut down)
- Service Provider Insights
** Service reports
*** Duration of services on average from check in to check out for period of time (crucial to see if improvement is coming)
*** Tip insight reports for time periods to determine if stylists are getting higher or lower tips than comparison periods, also would be used to determine if discounts are being given to increase tips
*** Discounts per period as %change from expected revenue
*** Instances of appt durations being extended
** Revenue by hour
*** Staff revenue by hour comparison across staff, this would be a great way to determine increases in productivity or find if potential issues exist
- Client Reports
** List of clients with similar account features, to determine what accounts are potentials for merging
** Client no show report to show over a time multiple offenders and rank them, business would have zoomed out view to see the worst offenders to make decisions
** Client data report to indicate statistics on profiles being filled out properly, credit card attached, email included, etc.
** Client late report showing how late these clients are for whole business (will help determine if a business should have a late policy and by how much time based on science rather than made up)
- Business Insights
** Week by week revenue graphical
** Month by month revenue graphical
** Year by Year revenue graphical
** Day by day graphical
** Inverse of utilization, to determine what days have the least availability historically to forecast and determine what days need more work hours
- Blvd Fun Insights
** Online booking metrics
*** When are the most clients booking appts online
*** When is staff booking most appointments
*** Messages statistics, how many messages sent per period, received
- Summary
** Same as Daily Summary report if Classic BLVD Reports, but monthly version
** Weekly version would be useful as well to determine best weeks for each column