Clients that share a phone number having indicator in Contact Center and on client card that number is shared
Not sure what would be most helpful,
But I can only imagine that families that decide to use a single number for their persons causes the same redundancy issues on Blvd's side as it does for salon staff.
In contact center, it would be helpful if messages received indicated that there were multiple contacts with that number so staff could determine which client or such the message is pertaining to. Possible errors are messages like this: Received from X, "cancel my appt tomorrow and move it to Saturday". Appt is deleted and moved to Saturday. Client X's son Y comes in tomorrow and it was actually their appt that was cancelled and moved, but the original X appt was cancelled and already taken by another client. Client Y can no longer make client Y's original appt. To avoid this would have required the staff to notice the possible discrepancy by visual check only.
When messaging that number some visual cue could let staff know they are messaging a number that is responsible for multiple clients. This would hopefully force the staff to include more necessary and relevant information.
A possible fix for this would be creating "parent" client accounts where one number was used for multiple clients but they are always tied to a parent account and indicated as such. For example on front desk and calendar view the client would be listed as "Family- Superman Kent" and "Family- Superwoman Kent" for two appts that share a same number.
Also would potentially help resolve redundant SMS and Email notifications to have it as such, "Abundant Salon would like to confirm tomorrow's appts for Superman and Superwoman." Ie, auto-grouping of appts that share identical phone number