Ability for deposits and gift cards to go to booth renters merchant accounts
We would like our booth rental stylists to have the same capabilities as our commission stylists in gift cards and taking deposits and have those go to their own merchant accounts.
Ashley Seyer commented
Please add this ASAP! Not having this prevents me from being able to use the feature. Since I would have to pay the booth renters out on the deposits or gift cards it would require me to put the independent contractor on payroll. I do not want to do that because then I'm paying taxes on them.
Megan Hood commented
Please add this soon! I have such a hard time with this during holidays and birthdays. It messes with my book keeping. If I can't select a specific merchant account for gift certificates, packages, memberships, or account credits then I have to spend extra time on reconciling my account and reimbursing independent contractors. I really want to keep everything separate from someone else's business..plus I just don't have that extra time to go through it. I feel like I'm micromanaging the program.