When clients commit to pay online including gratuity, this data should be retained in checkouts...
...when clients are moved from service provider to service provider. Also clients should be informed that this is not "paying for the service" and just committing to pay for the service. Too many clients just storm out or are VERY confused why we are stopping them to checkout and they always assume they already paid.
It would be nice if when service provider is shifted to another, that the original gratuity for whom is preserved and a prompt there, "shifted service from service provider A to B, would you like to move the gratuity accordingly".
Also showing a log of that info in their history would be great, just in case we need to refer to it to see what the originals were. Example of confusion would be if checkout is erroneous and then client returns saying tip is not what they put down, then it becomes their word against ours and suspect staff of cheating clients in order to get more tips etc.
Clients are always thinking they already paid. This is extremely problematic for appointments that are missed or cancelled for whatever reasons and clients are wasting their time and our time calling to get refunds for transactions that never occurred.