Automatic Late Cancellation Charges
I would like to add to this and maybe have a reminder pop up when they late cancel within a certain timeframe that we can set?
If its legal - take a step further and either have the system automatically charge them or put the late cancel charge in their cart/profile to show as needing to be check out by the front desk some how?

Marchelle Charles commented
If a client late cancels after our 24 hr policy timeframe online or via text. We wouldn't need to manually enter the cancellation fee on our side... it would be done automatically with the card held on file.
We had this feature with Booker. It would prompt the client that if he/she cancelled at this time, they would be charged whatever the rule for our specific policy held.
For example: We charge 50% for a late cancellation, our signature facial is $150, If they cancel after 24 hrs. automatically charging the client $75. The appointment would NOT be cancelled if the charge doesn't clear. That way when we are closed, we do not need to track down a client if the card doesn't go through and it's convenient for my concierge as well.